Today I am starting the
21 day Clean Detox Program. I am only a couple of hours in and already I am not liking it...but the first few days are suppose to be the hardest. I did a lot of research to find the right detox program for myself, and I found that this was the best program and the kit was perfect. I did not want a program where I had to starve myself the whole time, so I liked that I could still eat one meal a day on this program. The hardest part for me will be the no caffeine (since I drink like 5 diet cokes a day!) and the no drinking! I really like to have a glass of wine at night and be able to have a beer on the weekend...but i can go 21 days without it I guess. I hope this works out...wish me luck!
Good for you! You are stronger willed than I am for sure :) You go girl